Brian Bence 02/12/2022

"If you thought that magic deck in the preview vid looked like the coolest thing since sliced bread, wait till you get your hands on it. Trust me, it’s every bit as awesome as it promises. Easy to pull off? Check. Fun? Big check. Looking like you just stepped out of Hogwarts? Mega check.
The deck is top-notch, folks. Yeah, I’ve heard the grumbles about occasional hiccups that might throw you off your game. Call me lucky, but once I got cozy with it, my deck behaved like it was auditioning for a Vegas show – pretty much flawless.
But here's the deal – this isn’t one of those ‘wave your hands and watch the magic happen’ kind of tricks. You gotta put in a smidge of practice. Not like, ‘lock yourself in a room for days’ kind of practice, but enough to not look like you're fumbling through it. Trust me, it’s worth it. The ‘wow’ faces you're gonna get? Chef's kiss!
And the cherry on top? Hours upon hours of tutorials and performance vids. We're talking about a goldmine of routines, variations, and all the sneaky moves you need to nail those mind-blowing effects.
Long story short, this deck is a total game-changer. Worth every penny and then some. Go grab yours, and thank me later!"

Carl 16/08/2022

"The Good Stuff
Alright, I’ll spill the beans. This trick is smooth. Like, really smooth. We're talking high-quality, finely-tuned craftsmanship here. And the best part? It's so easy, a teenager getting dragged into family gatherings could pull it off – but don't worry, it’s got enough pizzazz to dazzle anyone older too.
The Not-So-Good Stuff
Now, onto the bits that might make you pause like a deer in headlights. To my fellow wizards, this trick is a no-brainer because we know the ropes. But, to the layman? You might have to jazz it up a bit with your presentation, or it might just zoom over their heads like a UFO. And yeah, it does dig a bit into the wallet, but believe me, it’s like investing in a magic wand that actually works - totally worth it.
Pro Tips From Yours Truly
Changing things up a bit, I throw in all the extra cards to make this trick easier than finding an excuse to avoid gym class. Also, a little birdie (or was it a dragon?) told me about O’Keeffe’s Working Hands for those moments my hands decide to become as dry as a desert – makes handling cards a breeze.
Final Act
So, if you’re looking to add a dash of ""How did they do that?!"" to your act or just want to impress your cat (honestly, they're tough critics), this trick is your ticket. It’s not just a trick; it’s a backstage pass to awesomeness. Give it a whirl, and who knows? Maybe you’ll be the next Houdini – or at least, be able to mystify your friends at the next get-together.
Remember, magic is about having fun and sharing wonder. And possibly making your friends question reality, but that’s just a bonus, right? Keep it magical, folks!"

Jack 13/06/2022

"I just had to drop in and share my two cents on my latest snag. Here’s the scoop in a nutshell - it’s a solid 5 stars from me, folks.
Now, before you roll your eyes and think, ""Ah, another magic tutorial…"", hear me out. The true gem of this purchase isn’t some fancy schmancy gadget; it’s the treasure trove of video instructions and performances. Sure, at first glance, it's like, ""Great, a bunch of performances. What am I gonna do, watch and weep?"" But no, my friend, these videos are a goldmine of inspiration. They sparked ideas in me I didn’t even know I was capable of. Imagine that!
I’m not even kidding when I say I would’ve thrown down 30 bucks just for the one-hour tutorial. It’s that good. And get this, the gimmick they toss in? Consider it a cherry on top. A freebie to sweeten the deal.
Now, the creators have been all hush-hush about the gimmick details, and I respect that. But between you and me? You don’t even need it. Arm yourself with the video downloads and a double blank deck, and you’re set to wow.
Was I a smidge disappointed? Eh, maybe a sliver. But over the moon with my purchase? Absolutely YES.
For anyone on the fence, thinking this is yet another trick in the book, think again. It’s not just about learning a secret; it’s about unlocking a whole new level of performance art. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll find yourself thinking, ""Why didn’t I get this sooner?""
Here’s to more magical marvels and less gimmicky gadgets!"

Jim 22/01/2022

"Just dove into ""Quantum"" by Craig Petty, and boy, do I have some thoughts! After rummaging through a treasure trove of ACAAN (Any Card At Any Number) routines, I've finally struck gold. Yep, you heard me right—this might just be the Holy Grail of ACAAN tricks out there.
First off, the deck screams quality (but, you know, in a very polite, deck-like manner). Sure, it's kinda playing hide-and-seek with the invisible deck concept, meaning you'll get cozy with that roughing fluid now and then. But hey, no pain no gain, right?
What really cranks my gears in a good way? Craig Petty's genius move to sidestep those awk ""out of range"" numbers. I've watched magicians (shoutout Adrian Vega and Christian Grace) essentially cross their fingers, hoping spectators pick the ""usual"" numbers. But come on, in the world of magic, we’re about covering all bases from 1 to 52—And Craig? He's done just that!
If handing out stars, Quantum's snagging all five—a standing ovation from me. And here's the kicker: that deck can stand up to a scrutinous gaze from your average Joe or Jane, leaving them baffled at its quirky charm (think all the cards in ""camouflage"" except one). Believe me, they won't guess its true magic powers.
Wrapping up, if you're in for a mind-blowing routine with a side of ""how the heck?!"", Quantum's your ticket. Plus, the explainer video's the cherry on top—talk about a magic masterclass!
Cheers to more magic and less ""uh-oh"" moments"

Josh 11/05/2021

Ever stumbled upon a trick that's drawn more raised eyebrows than a magician pulling a rabbit out of a top hat? Yeah, me too. And Craig's number trick? It's smack in the middle of that magical controversy. But, folks, I'm here to tell ya, the critique's got it all wrong.
First up, everyone's quibbling about the whole "but you can only pick this specific range of numbers" thing. Craig, that clever wizard, has tricks up his sleeve (literally) stretching that from a snug 7 to a whopping 47. Saw him count out 47 cards once, smooth as silk. And yeah, counting to 47 might sound as fun as watching paint dry, but Craig's got our backs with some snazzy techniques to keep things spicy.
And the whole deal about handin' out the cards? Folks, your audience is just gonna see a bunch of cards that couldn't tell you next week's lotto numbers if they tried. Blank. Both sides. If you're sweating bullets over someone clocking the card thickness during your encore ?C chill. First rule of Magic Club? Don't do the same trick twice to the same crowd. Craig's demo to his magician pals ain't the standard. Plus, if you're hell-bent on a replay, just shuffle those cards like it's a dance mix, and you're golden.
Now, if you're a teen magicking away in the cafeteria, fair warning ?C your peers might be tougher critics than Simon Cowell. But for anyone else, even slightly seasoned magicians, this trick's a breeze.
Here??s the skinny: experienced or not, Craig??s number trick is a solid gold hit. A bit of practice might be in the cards if you're new to the magic game, but hey, nothin' worth doing was ever easy, right?
This one's a keeper, folks. Don't let the naysayers deter you; grab it, learn it, and prepare to bask in the oohs and aahs.

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